How PPC can boost your small business by unleashing the power of paid advertising

How PPC can boost your small business by unleashing the power of paid advertising

The marketing industry is like a buzzing playground where fresh concepts, strategies, technology, and trends are continuously generated. You and your business must stay current if you want to stay ahead of the curve in this constantly evolving environment. 

Choosing the ideal digital marketing plan for your company and understanding the costs might be challenging. Fortunately, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising could be a solution!  

According to HubSpot’s ultimate list of marketing statistics 2022, 68% of marketers stated that paid advertising is “very important” or “extremely important” to their overall marketing strategy and that ad placement and audience targeting are the top optimisation tactics used by advertisers today.  

It’s important to catch your customer’s eye amidst the online noise. It doesn’t pay to be boring, and, to avoid this article suffering that fate, we’ve broken the technical bits below into nice bite-size pieces to explain why PPC could be the way to boost your business 

What is PPC and how can it help your business? 

Pay-Per-Click is a form of internet advertising where advertisers are charged a fee each time their ad is clicked. It is a method of purchasing website visitors rather than gaining them naturally. Money makes the world go around, and it makes customers go around too – to your website, that is.  

For businesses trying to improve their online presence and bring targeted traffic to their websites, PPC has several benefits. 

  • The capacity to quickly expand website traffic is a key advantage. PPC enables businesses to draw in prospective clients who are actively looking for items or services similar to the ones they’re selling. This is done through strategic bidding on relevant keywords and the design of attractive adverts. 
  • PPC offers quick visibility in contrast to organic search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, which can take time to produce results. After a PPC campaign has begun, ads that are placed on search engine results pages (SERPs) may immediately result in clicks and conversions. This immediate exposure can help you build a solid online presence and increase traffic to your website. 
  • The fact that PPC can deliver a quantifiable ROI is one of its main advantages. PPC campaigns include thorough measurements and analytics, enabling businesses to evaluate the success of their marketing initiatives. Businesses can learn more about the effectiveness of campaigns by monitoring key performance measures like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per conversion, and return on investment (ROI). By using this information, you may improve current campaigns, make wise choices, and spend resources more efficiently. 
  • PPC also offers cost management, giving businesses freedom over their advertising spend. You can limit your spending using PPC on a daily or monthly basis and change your bids in response to performance. With the help of this tool, businesses may spend their advertising budget more effectively and make the required adjustments to maximise results. It guarantees that companies have control over their spending and can tailor their campaigns to produce the greatest results possible despite their financial limitations. 

What types of PPC ads could help your business? 

PPC advertisements come in a variety of forms and can be useful for advertising a business. Each is determined by your unique business objectives, target market, and sector. Here are some typical ad types that can benefit your company along with a brief description. There are a lot more than these you could use, and much more detail to delve into, but we’re just giving you a general idea here.  

1. Paid search ads 

Search ads are the most common of PPC advertising. These types of ads are shown across search results on Google and have ‘ad’ next to them, to show paid content. 

google paid search

2. Display ads

You can also use display ads as a form of PPC advertising to find customers. These ads will be shown on websites that are partnered with Google and are often combine text with a photo rather than being solely text-based. 

ppc company gloucester

3. Remarketing ads 

A PPC campaign to use to reengage your audience is a remarketed ad. Numerous visitors to your website may not buy in that moment, for numerous reasons. It could be that they are not yet at the purchase stage of the customer journey or that they just need more time! 

Although it may seem like you’ve lost a lead when this occurs, you will not have done. Instead, you gain the chance to use remarketed advertisements to influence their decision, which may lead to them considering the business and, potentially, give them the push that they need later on.

4. How do I set-up a remarketing PPC ad?

You need to use Google’s remarketing code, commonly referred to as a tracking pixel. You may quickly incorporate this pixel into your campaign if you currently run Google PPC advertising. 

5. Google shopping ads 

Another paid advertising channel to use to attract customers is Google Shopping ads. Above the primary Google search results, these advertisements appear in a carousel arrangement. Users may view the products and prices before visiting a website thanks to this. 

The Internet has a “window-shopping” aspect to it thanks to Google shopping advertisements. Users are able to browse the same product from many manufacturers. It’s like sitting on a swivel chair as it flies down the high street, giving you a good view of everything at once – minus the nausea and potential casualties. 

google shopping ppc company gloucester

How much does PPC for business cost? 

Paid search advertising costs can be flexible, allowing you to change and stick to a budget by adjusting its activation. The expense varies based on factors like the number of ads, keyword popularity in online auctions, and the click-through rate of your ad. 

According to Paid Search (PPC) Marketing: UK Costs For Small Business 

  • The cost per month for a paid search ad can cost as little as £20 up to £200 on some campaigns but agency fees may be additional. 
  • The UK average cost-per-click on Google Ads is £0.66 to £1.32 
  • Freelancers offer their services on an hourly rate which can start from £20 per hour. 
  • Packages can cost from £59 per month. 

Growing your business comes with visibility. The more eyes on your product, the more likely it’ll sell. This may sound obvious but it’s an essential step to take. The double-edged sword of digital marketing is that you have limitless ways to promote your brand, but so does everybody else. It’s all about the tools you choose, and how you use them. 

(Said tools being advertisements, that is. We don’t recommend taking a carpentry hammer to your monitor.) 


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